ICD-10, the
new coding system that the providers should be compliant by October 1, 2014, is
a challenge; needless to say this is a truism. ICD-10 is worrisome for
everyone, let alone the big healthcare organizations. ICD-10 has 68,000 codes,
as opposed to the 13,000 in ICD-9; this requires expertise, time and trainings
at same time. The EHR vendors will be required to meet the standards of criteria
and implement it smoothly.
Many codes of
ICD-10 are built on the existing codes of ICD-9. With ICD-10 translation
support tools, directly built in your EHR many of the ICD-9 codes can be used
to navigate using translation tools. EHR transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 is an
arduous challenge for the developers too, because the EHR system is filled with
bugs and removes them from requiring provider’s feedback.
The headache
lies in providers who will have to familiarize themselves with new ICD-10 codes
and standards. With the EHR system, they will still need extensive training for
themselves and their staff in order to deliver. If the provider’s biller makes
a mistake in coding, the result will be no revenue in shape of denied claims.
EHR provides tools to allow easy cross over; tools from both ICD-9 and SNOMED are
provided inside the EHR to eliminate the need to memorize the differences
between codes as the system will adjust to itself. The compliance will be
managed automatically.
How easy will
the EHR make the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 for you? In fact, let’s
exaggerate a little bit; it will be very easy at least easier than your current
workflow. Not knowing the code for a specific condition you will be able to far
more range of diseases with just a few clicks and with minimal effort through the
use of advanced search built in tools. Searching through the system helps you identify
the code, and ensures they are apposite and billable.

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